Halo Pig Brands: Midwest Born, Happiness Raised.

About the Brands

From the farm to the big city, there is a genuine kindness that endures throughout the American Midwest for both neighbor and stranger alike. 
Midwesterners are special people, salt-of-the-earth folks with an inherent willingness to lend a helping-hand.  Small towns full of big hearts are the norm and expressions of optimism comfort many despairs.  We also know that these traits aren't exclusive to the Midwest.  People everywhere are full of this decency and when we step away from the media world and live our lives in person, wonderful things happen. 
Halo Pig is a reminder that there is a great, quiet majority of kind-hearted people in this world who choose to help rather than harm and who don't seek attention for their good deeds.  They live with hope, they give to others, and they handle the rest as it comes.  This is the message in our great slogan, Live, Give & Wing It, and these are the people who inspired me to create Halo Pig and the Halo Pig Family of Brands.

-Jamie Fuller


Mainland Maui was created out of pure adoration for the people of Hawaii and the ways that their gifts of aloha have enriched so many lives.  Every trip to the islands strengthens our love and respect for this profound kingdom of life - above water and below.  Our Mainland Maui Honu Logo, a sea turtle formed from the double-M initials and the pineapple, symbolizes the blessings of longevity, good fortune and hospitality.  May we all show aloha in all of its forms - even when we're 4,000 miles away.    - "A hui hou"


We work hard, we raise our families right, and we unwind like champions!  All of the same sentiments expressed by Halo Pig get a bit of extra style-sauce from C.F. Porkfester's.  Fancy clubs and fancy stuff? Nah, give us the great outdoors and epic cookouts with favorite people - that's a Porkfest and that's how memories become legend.  C.F. Porkfester's: Northwoods Inspired, Good Friends Required.


Dumbmunkey brings the humor and the grit to the Halo Pig collection.  Inspired by the will that pushes us all to express ourselves through our own talents, it's about tuning-out the fear and finding that place where instinct and skill take over.  Plus, it's a great logo.  We think it's the greatest "monkey throwing (ahem) as a metaphor for self-expression" logo of all time!  Lose Fear - Go Dumb, with Dumbmunkey.  Streetwear for your X-Life.


Does it feel like everyone is taking the "salty thing" a bit too far?  We think so too.  The world needs to turn it down a notch and give angry a break for a while.  From the beach to the classroom, or the city to the farm, wherever we are from coast to coast, we're Not Salty and we're doing just fine.  Wanna join us?


Our Thanks & Our Hope

Thank you for taking an interest in learning about our brands and our hopes for one another.  We know that we all face times of turmoil and without question, some of us more than others, but together we can change each other's lives.  Every good deed, no matter how small, is a foundation for another one.  We're a young company but we have big goals to become a difference-maker through charitable means and we so greatly appreciate your visit.  We wish you happy shopping and more importantly, we wish you a happy, healthy life.

-Halo Pig Brands

Dedicated to my parents, Charles & Lynne - small-town grocers with big-world hearts.  Your optimism inspires.  We miss you, Dad.